i want ask about anyone out there had experience with a eye color change ?
I have one scheduled for next month. honestly really scared.
Been trying to do some research on it. But still feel like I don't really know what to expect. So so many questions!
What is it like being awake during the procedure? I nearly passed just listening to them describe the surgery.
I had to ask them to stop and wait for color to return to my face. I can't imagine how i would be during the surgery.
Were you able to see the big needle coming at your eye that they use to inject the local anesthetic? Was that part painful?
I assume they will give me some kind of sedative, along with the local anesthetic. Should i expect some side effects from that?
What was the recovery like?
Could you see ok, still do normal things immediately following surgery? Or will I be sitting around doing nothing but listening to audio books for a while?
Did you have trouble reading out of the eye that had surgery?
I read somewhere that someone experienced a lot of bruising, I didn't even think of that!
They told me not to each before the surgery, did you have a problem with going low during the surgery? do they have a way to monitor that? did you just reduce your long acting?
Where your blood sugars whack afterwards?
Did it effect your vision at all? Did you have any additional problems afterwards?
To list just a few of my questions. ahhh!!!
Any advice or reviews about at all that anyone can offer would be a huge help.
thanks for help